How Does Product Listing Impact Customer Decision Journey?

‘Poor experiences ensure, without a doubt, the downfall of your Amazon product.’

How Does Product Listing Impact Customer Decision Journey?

Ever wondered what makes a customer purchase your product? 

Developing a deep knowledge of how consumers make a decision is a basic step. 

Customers decide which product they want to buy for themselves or others based on their needs and wants. However, with Amazon's complex ranking system it’s not just about the product but also about various factors, including the Amazon product listing page, product descriptions, offers, Amazon SEO, etc.

It would be ideal if you took the time to learn about the factors that drive your customer's behaviour. 

What is Amazon Listing Optimization and Why It Is Necessary?

Amazon is a competitive marketplace. 

Amazon listing optimization is the procedure of shaping your product listing so that you rank as high in the search results as possible. Your product page increases or decreases in the search result based on the way you build the front and back end of your product listings. 

You need to be very apt in optimizing your listing to boost traffic and conversions for such a marketplace. It is one of the essential points to consider in the customer decision journey. 

With product optimization, your Amazon listing page will stand out in the search results.

How Do Consumers Make Decisions?

How Do Consumers Make Decisions?

The customer decision-making process depends on consideration, active evaluation, the process of researching potential purchases and post-purchase. This funnel will be helpful by providing a way to understand the strength of the brand when compared to competitors. 

We have narrowed it down to 5 profound changes in the way consumers make buying decisions that called for a new approach.

1. Inventory Availability and Buy Box Ownership

Availability is the key factor when it comes to optimizing your product page for customer experience. Inventory availability and buy box ownership are the two important factors. You might have the most optimum keywords or the best product images, however, if your product listing gets suppressed due to low or no inventory or stocks, nothing can help you rank.

The Buy Box lets one seller stand out from others. With Buy Box your inventory will also be able to make more sales than any other sellers for that product. Hence, owning a Buy Box will be at your profit.

2. Keyword Relevancy 

Weak keywords can cause irrelevancy in search results. A potential customer will probably search twice, find irrelevant results and quickly bounce to your competitor's product. The shopping experience is hindered before it even had a chance to begin. 

Amazon ranking algorithm plays an essential role in keyword relevancy. Findability compasses of both organic and inorganic, meaning that not only should you be ensuring to rank for keywords with your product category but also that customers can easily navigate your products.

Evaluate the most searched terms that are relevant to your product listing and add them to your product title, description and features. It is also essential to include them in backend keywords and alternate text in images. 

3. Unique Product

Show how your product stands out from other sellers. Users do navigate through your product page if it matches their demand. This means if your product is unique and interesting to your target market, it creates conversions. 

Unique Product

Keep in mind that your customer demands are met for providing a seamless experience to discovery and purchase increases your revenue. Ensure that your product page is well-written, and not a lot of jargon is used. 

You can also use Amazon advertising to drive traffic, and build your brand while engaging shoppers. 

4. Post-Purchase

Customer satisfaction is an essential aspect of your Amazon product listing optimization. Giving them a good experience both on the product and the seller storefront can be seen via reviews. 

A positive indication of a developed post-purchase process is customer retention. Not only does this show customer satisfaction but also on your brand’s storefront will it be visible to all. Thus, helping your store to boost.

Final Thoughts

Amazon is a huge marketplace. People around the world use to search for products 3 times as often as they do on any other platform. It is essential that this site has perfect algorithms, hence the best items are shown after every search. Hence, optimizing your product page according to the A9 Algorithm is very important. 

The way your product is displayed on Amazon both through listing content and the user experience after purchase can make or break your sale. Thus, following the above tips to optimize the product page will make it easier for your product to satisfy your potential customers. 

However, if you are looking for expertise in amazon marketplace management services you can reach out to Your Seller.  Our team provides marketplace management services both in USA and India. Contact us at +1 510 648 3933 or +91 9909513312 or mail us at


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